Hond & Co
Positive and personal dog guidance

Telephone advice.

Do you know that?
You are full of questions about your dog.

Practical questions for which you need an answer.

You can find this on the internet or ask your vet. 

You would prefer to hire a behavioral expert, but you think that is a step too far for now, because you do not like that home visit. 

And maybe some good tips & advice have already helped you.
Then you don't have to look any further.

If you have any questions about your dog's behavior, you can make an appointment with me for telephone advice!

Not only is this much easier, you are also immediately assured of expert advice!

Advice that is tailor-made for you and your dog.

This is what you will receive during telephone advice

• you submit your questions to me.
• I may also ask questions so that I can properly map out your situation.
• insight into your dog's behavior (why does he do that?).
• advice from me for you and your dog.

This is how you request telephone advice:

1. Send an email to hondenco51@gmail.com with your address details and telephone number and indicate your preference for the days and times below.
2. Or send a Whatt's App to 06-30619522

Telephone advice is available on working days between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
A telephone consultation costs €20.00 (including 21% VAT) and lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. Make sure you are available at the agreed time.

Are you 100% sure after the consultation?
It depends on. Practice, time, patience, consistency & your perseverance determine how far you get with the advice you received from me.
Sometimes the conclusion after the telephone consultation may be that a home visit is necessary. Your dog's behavior is then too complex to support by telephone. More information and observation is needed so that I can make a better diagnosis and therefore a better plan of action. Do you make an appointment for a live consultation or a package of private lessons? Then you will receive a €15.00 discount!
Of course this is not mandatory! You decide what you want to initiate or not.
Prepare well
• make sure you have all questions at hand when I call you. Write your story down if necessary. This way you won't forget anything. Keep your story short & concise, the sooner we will find a solution.